Blue Guardian IT teamed with VetsEZ and Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) in an effort to capture the Department of Veterans Affairs – Veteran Health Information Exchange (VHIE) Partner Integration and Sustainment task order. It was announced January 25th, 2018 that the VetsEZ team was awarded the task. Additionally, we were informed that our technical proposal received an Outstanding rating.
The VLER Health program allows the VA, participating Community Care Providers, and Veterans to securely share certain health information from a Veteran’s health record electronically. Blue Guardian IT currently supports both VLER Sustainment and Agile Development task orders. This VHIE Parnter Integration and Sustainment task order is a continuation of work we have been providing on the VLER Health program for the past 3 years. Specially we have been supporting VHIE Exchange, Direct Secure Messaging and Partner On-boarding aspects of the project. We are excited about and looking forward to providing continued Partner Integration and Sustainment support to the VLER Health program both now and in the future.